The Good Neighbor Family Pantry’s mission is to provide individuals and families with limited means or difficult circumstances the ability to acquire food at no cost.
Our Values
Dignity let us treat all around us with unconditional love and respect, honoring each other for the beautiful beings we all are.
Empowerment let us lift others up as our brothers and sisters, offering our strength, courage, and knowledge to help each other fulfill our needs and pursue our dreams.
Stewardship let us lead by example, using all of the blessings and resources at our disposal to better the lives of others.
Integrity let us be absolutely honest and forthcoming in all of our dealings, choosing the honorable path without exception.
Mindfulness let us remember, always, the importance of self awareness, self improvement, and self evaluation in the service of others.
Abundance let us help others feel the warm generosity of the universe, and the blessings that await their opening hearts.
We are a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit and rely on donations to operate.

Comradery let us treat everyone we meet as a brother or sister, denying no-one the warmth of our love.
Education let us teach with all our hearts, equipping others with the tools to affect change in their lives.
Transparency let us be clear and upfront, conducting all communication and relationships in a manner which leaves nothing to interpretation or wonder.
Resilience let us be channels of fluidity and flexibility, drawing our strength from the source, and living a life of servitude and nonattachment.